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  • Hey, on Thursdays where do we start from? I been to hibury fields, didn't see anyone so I spinter to the zoo and didn't see anyone and its saying in the group that all rides the meet up point is in the zoo... I'm frustrated just missed my well waited ride šŸ˜­ and weekends where would it start from cuz im starting to do weekends too

  • Hi Alfonso, links to mid-week rides below, in case you are struggling to find the pages:

    Wednesday rides
    Thursday rides

    Regents Park laps: meet at the zoo entrance. Sunday club rides: Highbury Fields.

    It's worth noting that evening rides tend to 'sweep' people up. The key joining places are below. Details get worked out on the relevant forum page each week.
    HF- Highbury Fields
    WP - Whittington Park
    ToS - Top of Swains Lane
    THC - Tally Ho Corner


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