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  • Hiya +user6634 - thank you for your feedback on today's 'A' ride and I'm sorry that things didn't feel as cohesive as they should have done. I've flagged your comments with the A riders so they can comment specifically on the ride today (as I obviously cannot!).

    With regards to grading, my general comments are - we ask all our members to conservatively grade their own abilities against the advertised average speeds of each ride. Of course, these averages change depending on who's riding, weather conditions, etc, etc. I think getting averages from Regents laps is really only useful to knowing..... how fast you can do Regent's laps! I am not sure that they would be reliably transferable to a group riding / club ride environment. Next time you're chatting to the ride leader pre-roll out, please do make sure you let them know your expectations as well - it's a two way thing and its helpful for ride leaders to know what people want from the ride so they can pitch the pace and distance correctly.

    Again, thanks for the feedback, and hopefully this won't deter you from joining ICC (if you have not already?!)



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