Hi @user6284
We'd welcome you along on Sunday. You don't need any experience at all. Most weeks there is more than one rider who is new to group riding. Chat to the other riders before we start to get some tips and take a look here too: http://www.fccc.org.uk/attachments/article/644/Cycling%20Etiquette.pdf
The last couple of weeks we've had about 30 riders in total, who split up into a faster and slower ride.
I'm pretty sure you can use lockers at "The Hub" in Regents park but i've never used them myself.
http://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/the-regents-park/sport-in-the-park-the-hub/facilities-at-the-hub/changing-rooms-and-showersWhen i go to the wednesday ride i leave everything except my phone, keys wallet etc at work.
Hi @Archy and @MichaelBH welcome along! I'll be leading the longer ride tomorrow, hopefully see you there.
Danny McAskill has a reply to that, a backwards, front wheel wheelie down some 25% hairpins...
(skip to 3.45 if you don't want to see a whole 5 minutes of incredible stupidity from Martyn Ashton et al)
I'm going to get some of those google glasses, that way i will never be 100% focused on anything ever. ;-)
I totally agree with all the points @afb made. We need the more experienced riders to encourage better group riding just generally, on every ride- i'm certainly guilty of not speaking up as often as I should.
Hi +SteveD, welcome along. The speed of all the rides will depend on who is there, the weather etc - none of the rides ever leave anyone behind. I'd guess it was something like this:
A - 17mph average ( 20 mph on the flat)
B - 15mph average ( 17 mph on the flat)
C - 12 mph average or less
You can see the routes and discussion of each ride in the "In the Saddle" section of the forum. Perhaps someone can confirm if my estimates of the speeds are OK.