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Thanks @aidan. I did get my membership confirmed last Friday and I've picked up my jersey. Didn't quite make out out to a club ride last weekend, partly because I discovered that my rear axle was broken so I had to buy a new wheel.
Hello Laura and Michool.
I'm happy to wear a helmet on the club runs, but I wouldn't want to sign up to wear one every time I go out on my bike.
My question was a bit more general, I also wanted to know if there were any other written rules I'd be expected to follow. I've read the Forum Conduct post.
Is it possible to see a copy of the constitution?
I've been out with the club three times now, and I think I will join.
The first time I came on a club ride someone mentioned that they thought there was a rule requiring wearing a helmet. I haven't been able to find any club rules online though and if there are rules I'd like to be able to read them before I join.
Does anyone have any information about this?