Avatar for LanterneRouge79


Member since Jan 2014 • Last active Jul 2014
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for LanterneRouge79

    Thanks both for the replies.

    I'll probably come along to try on either Sunday week or the 16th feb.

    Can I just ask?

    I don't currently have mudguards as they are a PITA on my bike plus I don't really like using them. I do realise that if I become a member then these are mandatory. Would I be allowed to come on one trial ride without them if I stay towards the back? I don't really want the expense and hassle of getting some if I don't need them.

    Anyway hope to pop along soon

    Ryan :)

  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for LanterneRouge79

    Firstly hello :)

    Sorry if this is a long one :)

    My name is Ryan and i'm 35.

    I've been riding on and off for quite a few years now (although last year i was lazy )and have been a lone cyclist. I have tried some groups and club but these have either fallen into the usual "testosterone" filled rides which don't interest me or they have a long cafe stop which again doesn't float my boat, for several reasons.

    I'm ideally trying to find a club/group who just enjoy riding together on regular runs at a modest to decent pace. I usually average around 26kph over a 2-3 hour ride but am not able to "ride on the rivet" for long periods.

    Reading many of the posts on here you may be a viable club to try, but i do have a few questions if you don't mind :)

    On you sunday runs do you have set routes that you use or is it where the wind takes you as it were or at the very least is a distance for the days route known before the start?

    Do you have cafe stops on your sunday rides? I ask as I cool down really quickly and just cannot get upto speed and also cramp after a break longer than say 10/15 minutes.

    Do you ever do off road routes say on cylcocross bikes or is it strictly roadies only?

    Anyway i hope you don't mind me asking the above and look forward to any replies.
