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Nice blog, +Shannonball. I have just about warmed up.
As for the gloves, if only there was a category for riders wearing tweed...
Good day out. The bike was clearly determined to not allow even a momentary breach of Rule #90. Those who live by the big ring,...
If you want to try one of these rides:
Berkhamsted Spring Classic is this Sunday. HQ is at Musette, Aldbury. Entries close on Wednesday.
Finsbury Park Reliability Ride is the following Sunday. HQ at Potters Bar. See:
+ShauNuff - Your role in the development of the club (and of its kit) is impossible to overstate.
Regarding kit, do I recall correctly that you were also involved in/responsible for the infamous Ugly Kit Ride, when members were challenged to come along one Sunday wearing their most ghastly items of club clothing? I am glad that any photos of that episode seem to be absent from +Sir_Shannonball's album.
More generally, good blog, +Sir_Shannonball
Role: Club Co-Founder / Former Club Chairman
Cycling: Reassuringly mediocre in all aspects of the sport. While I like all forms of road cycling I suspect that I like bicycles more.
Bikes: Yes. One or two.