Avatar for DuncanDrysdale


Member since Mar 2023 • Last active Jun 2023
  • 0 conversations

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  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for DuncanDrysdale

    Great stuff - thanks David, got my days mixed up.

  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for DuncanDrysdale

    Hi folks - I joined a group skills session a few weeks back and have now submitted payment for a year’s membership (hooray!). I’m assuming this won’t be processed in time for me to access the forums before the weekend, so could someone please confirm that group rides of all speeds will be setting off from Highbury Fields this Saturday? Some indication of distance would also be ideal, though happy to just turn up on this occasion and go with the flow. Thanks!

  • in Group Skills
    Avatar for DuncanDrysdale

    If you have booked onto the Group Skills session on April 22nd please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be emailed each time someone new adds their name).

    If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. This means others have a chance to take your place and we don’t have to organise more ride leaders than we need.

    This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.

    Jo Costello
    William Baxter
    Patrick Readings
    Kevin Gilmoor
    Adrian Samuila
    Charley Bircumshaw
    Bonnie Smith
    Carney Battenti
    Amaury Cabrol
    Toby Sands
    Aidan O’Friel (aidanof)
    Justin Edenburg (Justin_E)
    Kirsten Lodge
    Sam Horn
    Matt Haynes (user155171)
    Duncan Drysdale (user154847)
