Avatar for DaveJ


Member since May 2022 • Last active Dec 2024
  • 0 conversations

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  • in Group Skills
    Avatar for DaveJ

    Hi All

    Thanks for coming along. When talking about how to join, I may of missed a step with a few of you. Full instructions are here...


    Once you have completed an Intro or Group Skills ride you will qualify to pay the membership fee and join the club. Once you’ve signed up through British Cycling our membership secretary will process your application and be in touch shortly to welcome you to the club.
    See https://islington.cc/membership

    Thanks and hope to see some of you on the road soon!

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for DaveJ

    If you have booked onto the session on June 25 please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be emailed each time someone new adds their name).

    If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. This means others have a chance to take your place and enables us to make sure we have the right number of ride leaders.

    This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.

    Helen S

    1. DaveJ
  • in Group Skills
    Avatar for DaveJ

    If you have booked onto the session on June 11 please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be emailed each time someone new adds their name).

    If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. . This means others have a chance to take your place and enables us to make sure we have the right number of ride leaders.

    This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.

