If you have booked onto the Group Skills session on Satruday 16th please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be emailed each time someone new adds their name).
If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. This means others have a chance to take your place and we don’t have to organise more ride leaders than we need.
This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.
- mehb
- mehb
Hi @DavidMason thanks for highlighting the next Intro Ride. Unfortunately I cannot make it, but have signed up for the Group Skills session on the 16th.
Hi @RichardN1 I would also like to join the club. Would it be possible to @ me as well when the next Group Skills/ Intro Ride is, please?
Hi. Just to add following Jonathan's message above (after joining following the same group skills session). I also cannot access the members-only part of the forum either despite getting the 'Welcome to ICC' email. If someone could help with this, that would be great. Thank you.