I just wanted a slightly wider audience for the sale of my wonderfully kept Klein Quantum Race, 56cm. It's currently listed on eBay here - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/182002009392?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
It is a peach and am keen for it to sell to someone that may appreciate it's heritage. Pick up from N4 or thereabouts.
All the best,
Chris - work colleague of Sir_Shandon balls.
I just wanted a slightly wider audience for the sale of my wonderfully kept Klein Quantum Race, 56cm. It's currently listed on eBay here -
It is a peach and am keen for it to sell to someone that may appreciate it's heritage. Pick up from N4 or thereabouts.
All the best,
Chris - work colleague of +Sir_Shannonball