@Coxy, if you're still interested in attending tomorrow's session, it looks like a spot has opened up for the moment
Yes, prospective members are welcome to come along to up to 3 rides as a taster before joining. Unfortunately, I don't think there's meant to be a group skills ride on the 28th; the next group skills is planned for 12 October, or there will be an Intro Ride (which also fulfils the requirement for joining) on 7 October. Keep an eye out for when those get posted.
Thanks @Steffi! Well done all, hope to see you all out on the road soon.
@MegPugh @Alice @jonnylamb @AndrewMatth @peterh @Eszter @user79555 @InezT just a reminder that tonight is the ICC groups skills session. It would be great if you could have a read of the ICC Group Riding Guide beforehand.
To confirm, the meeting point is at 6:30pm in the Inner Circle of Regents Park, at the gates opposite York Bridge.
Myself and @MikeMC will be running the session and we look forward to seeing you all tonight.
Occasional cyclist in Clerkenwell, trying to become less occasional.