Hiya, once you have full access to forum, you'll find rides are posted in section 'In the saddle' They're grouped into A, B or C depending on speed. If nothing is posted, just turn up as you did last week and join a ride.
You'll also find regular club rides listed on Strava and Garmin Connect under 'IslingtonCC' which can be uploaded to your GPS device and used on the day.
Hi @arranrice This morning was the monthly intro ride (which was fully booked). You are more than welcome to join a ride tomorrow morning 08:30 @ Whittington Park. Just let one of the ride leaders (or members) know you are new and they will advise you on which group to go out with.
Hi James,
Thanks for stepping up to lead the ride on Sunday.
Re: incident on Tuesday - @Oli.Hall is battered and bruised but ok.
Regards, Mike
Hi Harriet, although it is advisable to attend one of the monthly introduction rides, you could also come along to one of the other club rides/sessions where you can ask questions and observe whilst on the ride. I would suggest Saturday morning Regent's Park laps - social pace (meet @08:00 Zoo entrance) or come along to one of the Sunday rides (meet @08:30 Whittington Park entrance) and join one of the C paced rides.