Avatar for Brani


Member since Sep 2015 • Last active Apr 2020
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for Brani

    Hello ICC ladies!

    Rapha had an overwhelming response for this year's Women's 100 ride - 500 ladies have registered! So they need women ride leaders. And there aren't that many in the RCC club.

    There are enough RCC guys who are happy to help but I'd rather Women's 100 is mostly led by women - purely because I know how much more relaxed it can be for women starting out to have a female ride leader. Plus it's nice to help out and show ICC off as a friendly and safe one to join.

    So - ICC ladies - anyone of you fancy leading a Women's 100 ride?

    The ride starts from the Olympic velopark, ride leaders will need to be there for 8am. The route is not up yet, but will be shared in advance. My understanding is that it will be in Essex. Ride leader training is available both through RCC and ICC (provided timings work).

    If you're considering it, have a look at this form it will give you more of an insight into what the commitment is.

    I've done all Women's 100 rides bar one and can say that they are always well organised, relaxed and fun. Hope some of you will consider it and join - as a ride leader or just as a punter!
