Avatar for Deena


Member since Sep 2014 • Last active Apr 2017

Rule #4

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  • in Getting started with ICC
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    Should be very soon Steve :0)

    Paging @Sir_Shannonball @Orestis

  • in Getting started with ICC
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    No I disagree Graham, why would you do that? I have the same bike I got in 2014 and it is going to stick with me. I have upgraded my wheels but the frame is the same. There is no reason to spend twice - as Kos says.

  • in Getting started with ICC
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    haha, very selective!

  • in Getting started with ICC
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    fast food items that provide the same nutrition as you might find in a sports product, you get the same results.

    Sorry but I have to agree with @StephendS here, there is no way that a burger or chips that have been uber-processed from high-intensive farming produce, and then cooked in a big deep fat fryer in a fast food restaurant, is going to mirror the nutritional value of a sports supplement. If you equate the generic labels 'fats' 'carbs' and 'proteins' then maybe, but that's certainly not how to do nutrition - if it was, then you could eat 100g of popcorn and say that was just as good as a plate of pasta...

  • in An introduction to club cycling
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    @Heather @user53199 there's a space if you want it!


  • in Getting started with ICC
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    Easily done! I won't be there on Sunday because I'm cycling in a 2-up time trial with a few other people from the club, but there will be plenty of people there anyway. I believe that the C ride is being led by Jim and another.

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for Deena

    Hi there,

    Do keep an eye on the thread incase someone drops out. We hold intro rides each month so the next one will be in November.
    You are very welcome to come along to a Sunday Group C ride; it's not much different to an intro ride.


  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for Deena

    Hi Heather,

    If you go back into the main section of this forum, 'Clipping In', you will see events with the title 'An Introduction to Club Cycling' with the DATE. The next session, on 10 October, is currently full, but keep an eye out on the thread in case someone drops out. There is one each month.

    As an alternative, you could come along to a Sunday morning C ride. These are very friendly and not vastly different from the Introduction Rides.

    Group riding is not as daunting as you think ;-) We also run group-riding skills sessions - sadly you just missed one, which took place yesterday at Regent's Park.


  • in Getting started with ICC
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    Hi Paul,

    I'm just reading this message of yours now. Have you managed to come along on a ride with the club?


  • in An introduction to club cycling
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    Hi all,

    I thought I'd just introduce myself. My name is Deena and I will be one of the riders leading/sweeping this Saturday. I've been with the club since last summer and it's by far the friendliest and most fun sports club I've ever been in ;-)
    Looking forward to meeting you all at the weekend!
