Avatar for Mantas.S


Member since Jul 2023 • Last active Aug 2023
  • 0 conversations

I am a management consultant, on my free time I enjoy cycling, running, weight lifting and cooking. I have been doing endurance riding for 2 years and I can join long distance rides.

Most recent activity

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for Mantas.S

    Hi, unfortunately, I have to cancel due to poor weather conditions. I will attend the next session.

    Kind Regards,

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for Mantas.S

    If you have booked onto the Intro Ride on Saturday August 5th please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be messaged each time someone new adds their name).

    If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. This means others have a chance to take your place and we don’t have to organise more ride leaders than we need.

    This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.
    7.NikkiF2609 (user131010)
    1o. Ben F (user156044).
    11 John (user143305)
    12 LukeWarren
    13 Lennertvanderheijden
    14 RomainB
    15 Baller John
    16 Lizzy Jarrett
    17 @user153516
    18 Kieran1
    19 Mantas Sadlauskas

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for Mantas.S

    Hi, I confirm I will be attending.

    Kind Regards,

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for Mantas.S

    I am attending - looking forward to meeting you!
