Avatar for bowersjc


Member since May 2023 • Last active Jul 2023
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for bowersjc


    I just signed up for the club so I can participate in group rides while I'm here for a few weeks. (I did the intro ride last Saturday).

    I understand the club membership comes with a jersey. I wasn't able to put my correct address into British Cycling's website (wouldn't accept my US postal code as valid). Is there a way I can get the jersey sent to the US (I'm happy to pay the shipping)?

  • in An introduction to club cycling
    Avatar for bowersjc

    If you have booked onto the Intro Ride on Saturday June 3 please confirm that you can attend by copying this entire message and adding your name to the list. (If you remove the @ from your name you won't be emailed each time someone new adds their name).
    If you are no longer able to make it, please remove yourself by clicking "Can't Make It" at the top of this page. This means others have a chance to take your place and we don’t have to organise more ride leaders than we need.
    This ride is only open to people who have booked by clicking "Yes I'm Attending at the top of page 1. If you haven't booked but would like to join this ride you should check this page regularly to see if places come free.

    1.Michael Summers
    2.Chris Hagen
    3.Guy D
    4.Andy Cumine
    5.Colin Newell
    6.Hannah Day
    7.Rich Milner
    8.Sebastian Ene
    9.Rich Thorpe
    10.Wendy Mak
    11.Liam Levin
    13.Carsten Nickel
    14.Aileen Coyne
    15.Elsa Kyander
    16.Pauric Hanna
    17.Joshua Long
    18.Lexie Benoit
    19.Carly Gilson
    20.Austin Liu
    21.Sam Denson

    1. Elton Dorkin
    2. Catherine nicholson
    3. Isabel Buchanan
    4. John Bowers