Avatar for ShaunW


Member since Apr 2018 • Last active Apr 2022
  • 5 conversations

Most recent activity

  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for ShaunW

    Just renewed membership. Who do I inform or is it all automatic?

  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for ShaunW


    I had my membership application accepted but I need to sort out the payment (BC wasn't able to draw it). Also it is possible to sort forum access?


  • in Group Skills
    Avatar for ShaunW

    Hi @AlecJ.

    Sorry if this is largely answered in the original post, I am interested in joining your cycling club but I missed the last introductory ride (last weekend it seems).

    My background is I have done a decent amount of solo bike packing (mostly across Europe) or duo with friends, but never in a club or with large groups.


    1. This session be suitable for me to participate in?
    2. This session be suitable if I am interested in joining the club?

    Thanks in advance.
