Avatar for LottoJimbo


Member since Mar 2016 • Last active Dec 2023
  • 9 conversations

Rolly rolly pushy pushy... and hope there's a pub at the end

Most recent activity

  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for LottoJimbo

    Cheers Alex, all I needed to know.


  • in Getting started with ICC
    Avatar for LottoJimbo

    Afternoon All,

    I would like to join ICC for your Sunday ride this week (presuming it is going ahead), do I just rock up and introduce myself?
    I've got quite a lot of riding experience but not much in bigger groups, usually riding about 90-110km with mates and pace averaging out at about 25kph. I'm looking for a club up this way (I'm based in Kentish Town so you guys couldn't be more convenient on that front) for when I can't get a team together, as well as to start pushing my pace and distance a bit. Your pointers on which level of ride to join would be great!

    Looking forward to riding with you!
