We’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday for your Group Skills session. Please can you confirm that you are still intending to come along to the session. If you’re no longer able to come along please can you remove yourself from the event so that we can make sure we have the right number of club volunteers. The session goes ahead even if it’s raining and, as I’m sure you will understand, if you’re a no-show on the day without letting us know in advance, we reserve the right to restrict access to future sessions 😊
Please reply to this message and add your name to the numbered list below. Any questions, please do let me know.
Hi, I signed up very late with the intention of finding the ride, but didn’t get here until just now. I will see if I can find the group, but if not, please can I come another week?
Hello @user159311 @SarahS @JesseK
@FrancoisA @yoyodub
We’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday for your Group Skills session. Please can you confirm that you are still intending to come along to the session. If you’re no longer able to come along please can you remove yourself from the event so that we can make sure we have the right number of club volunteers. The session goes ahead even if it’s raining and, as I’m sure you will understand, if you’re a no-show on the day without letting us know in advance, we reserve the right to restrict access to future sessions 😊
Please reply to this message and add your name to the numbered list below. Any questions, please do let me know.