The ride is fully booked and several people are keen to join. Please could you confirm your place or free up your place so someone else can take it, see message below.
Hi David, apologies I have had a last minute appointment and I am going to have to remove myself from the list I’ll click on the “Can’t Make It button” - though wanted to let you know as I have posted a comment already. Have a good ride and hope to be able to join the next!
Thanks everyone who has confirmed their place on Saturday's Intro Ride. I'm still waiting to hear from @Afonso @ArminS @CatLaird @JonnyMidgley @JoshR @KateCorden @Samcwood95 @Sharif @user156434 @user156468 @user156477
The ride is fully booked and several people are keen to join. Please could you confirm your place or free up your place so someone else can take it, see message below.