Hi Elisabetta - hope you had fun at the Group Skills, and great to see you'd like to join the club!
We don't usually send a link out to prospective members - sorry if that was unclear! In order to sign up, attendees have to buy the membership through British Cycling: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/club/profile/2040/islington-cycling-club
We ask attendees to fill in the form with their name and email address to ensure that, when their British Cycling request comes through, we can cross-reference their attendance at an intro / group skills session (and their membership can therefore be approved).
I hope this helps - and looking forward to seeing you out on the road soon!
Hi guys! I just wanted to double check if you all have received the link to purchase the membership? I haven’t yet so I started wondering if I filled up the form wrongly :/